Posted to HED-CAN-L ListServ

2020-04-02: One new feature that will be helpful for providing ArcGIS Pro to students, faculty, and staff is the ability for ArcGIS Online users to download the ArcGIS Pro installer directly from the new My settings page in their profile. Specifically, on this page, users can click the Licensing tab on the left and scroll down to the ArcGIS Pro download option.

This option is available if the user already has an ArcGIS Pro license assigned to their ArcGIS Online named-user account.

In either case, ArcGIS Pro extensions can be added afterwards as add-on licenses.

We have updated our ArcGIS for Higher Ed Learners and ArcGIS Off-Campus story maps to include this new information, as well as the ArcGIS Pro best-practices guide that was distributed last August (attached). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at